We met up with Trailer Cash Academy member Mark Anthony who was in Palm Shadow mobile home park in Northern Phoenix. Mark’s been doing some amazing things with mobile homes. He not only fixes and flips them, but he moves them as well.
It’s best if you watch the video because he walks us through the home and points out the different things that he does. But we’ll summarize what we got from it for your convenience.
Mark made about $9000 off of this deal and he basically had to sell it twice in a short span of time.
“Yeah. The first time we moved we had to actually sell this house twice. The person who originally bought it, the city wouldn’t approve them. The house was too big for their lot so they had to resell it.
So what we did was just really sell it for them to someone else. Got them their money back and then got our money back for the move. And we sold it again. Plus another move with the new buyer. She’s actually bought homes from us before, so it worked out.”
When we met Mark, it was inside the house which had already been prepped for moving. So, we got him to give us a quick tour and he pointed out a few things for us in the video.
It’s a 1989 model mobile home. He was telling us how in these homes one side of it is the dry side and one side is the wet side. Meaning that most of the plumbing is on one side of the home, and that side usually has more wheels.
First thing he does is take off the awnings outside and whatever else can be removed from the outside of the house.
Then they come right inside and split the house in half. They start at the top because there’s usually a roof cap which will be pulled off. Then they saw lengthwise along the roof and down the sides till they reach the floor.
The floors are always tricky, and they take the most time, so they save them for last. Depending on how the floor panels are placed you might have to saw through them if they are placed widthwise instead of lengthwise.
Double-wide mobile homes are complex to move. Splitting the house and getting the house jacked up and placed on wheels is the most complicated part. Someone needs to crawl underneath the house once it’s jacked to pull out the screws that connect the two sides of the house together. In this particular home there were about 60 at the bottom and the 60 on the roof.
So that was awesome to see. The home was pretty much ready to go. It’s just a matter of getting it on a truck and hauling it away.
We really appreciate Mark for showing us around.
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