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Investing In Mobile Homes While Working A Full-Time Job (How To Start Your Business Part-Time)

“I have a full-time job. Will I be able to start and succeed at mobile home investing?”

When we first started on this journey our time was extremely limited. We were both working 50-60 hours a week at our jobs.

Even on the weekends, it was tough to get momentum in our business.

And so, we had to figure out how to be efficient with our time.

What we’ll say is this:

If you want to do mobile home investing full-time, you’ll need at least 10 hours a week.

If you want to do it part-time, like a side hustle, you’ll need at least 5 hours a week.

You can split this time up however you like.

Maybe you put in your hours Monday to Friday.

Maybe you work on your business on the weekends.

It’s up to you, but you have to put in the hours.

Now, here’s the thing:

Five hours a week is not a lot of time.

So, in order to get the most out of it and start closing deals, you have to focus on the right things.

Here’s what we focused on to get the most out of the time we spent on our business.

While still working at our full-time jobs.

1. Focus area #1 โ€“ knowledge acquisition

Don’t do what we did and learn from the school of hard knocks.

You’ll end up 100k in the hole and take 1-2 years to dig yourself out.

Instead, follow a proven blueprint from someone who’s done at least 10 mobile home deals.

So they can show you the ins and outs of the business and tell you which strategies to focus on to meet your goals.

We’ve done over 300 ๐Ÿ˜‰

2. Focus area #2 โ€“ become a local market expert

You want to become the go-to person for mobile homes in your area.

And to do this, you’ll need to know all the mobile home parks that are around.

What mobile homes go for in these parks.

What buyers expect. What sellers expect.

And you’ll also want to network with other real estate investors.

Let them know that you invest in mobile homes so more and more deals will come your way.

3. Focus area #3 โ€“ lead generation

Finding people who need to sell their homes immediately and fast is how you’ll secure the bag.

And you’re not going to find these deals online, on Facebook, or Craigslist.

These are all off-market deals.

What you’ll find online is the “retail market” and you’ll be paying full-price/market value for these homes.

Instead, we teach our students to focus on the “crisis market” โ€“ people who need to sell their homes because they need fast cash for whatever reason.

Crisis homes are where you make your money.

You still need to keep an eye on the retail market because it’ll tell you how to price your homes after you fix them up (or sell them as-is.)

4. Focus area #4 โ€“ qualifying your leads

You don’t want to waste your time going to every single appointment.

Remember, you’ve only got 5 to 10 hours a week.

So, you have to be picky and qualify every single lead that you get.

You’ll be focusing on the crisis market.

And you make your money when you buy the homes at below-market prices.

So, if the seller expects retail price and has no urgency, you won’t want to waste their time either.

Ultimately, we went from part-time mobile home investing to full-time.

And we were able to quit our jobs in the process.

And that’s opened up so many life and business opportunities for us.

We aren’t the only ones, either.

So many of our students have been able to do it too.

Some prefer to keep doing it as a side hustle, bringing in thousands of dollars of extra income every month.

Others had dreams of quitting their jobs, and mobile home investing turned those dreams into reality.

Y’know what they all had in common?

They invested in our Accelerator program.

So that they wouldn’t have to waste time learning the ropes the hard way.

And so that they wouldn’t lose tens of thousands of dollars making bad deals.

Remember what we said in focus area #1:

Learn from people who’ve done it before.

But we’ll also add to it and say…

It’s not enough that a mobile home investor has achieved success for themselves.

If you’re going to learn from them, their students also need to be successful.

In fact, the students’ successes are more important than the teacher’s.

Thankfully, we’ve got dozens of success stories and case studies on our Youtube channel for you to watch and verify.

You too can be one of these success stories.

But first, we’d like you to watch a free case study.

It’s about one of our students who made a $10,000 profit in 48 hours selling a used mobile home.

Click the link below and enter your regular details on the next page to get access.

Yes! Show me the $10,000 case study โ†’

Whenever you’re ready here’s how we can help

  1. Just getting started? Join our free Facebook group, Mobile Home Investing For Beginners.
  2. Ready to join our community and accelerate your growth? Apply to join our Accelerator Program.
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